Thursday, December 1, 2011

Keeping Track of your savings

The biggest reward that I get from couponing is being able to see how much I save each month. It also makes me feel good to be able to show my hubby on paper how much we are saving. I recommend that anyone that does any type of couponing or saving in general should keep track of their savings each month so after milestones such as six months or a year they can see a total of what they saved. To do this I keep all of my receipts in my original couponing device which is just a small accordion holder. Then at the end of the month I pull them all out and add up my totals before coupons and sales ( I already have this on the top of the receipt because I do it for my breakdown posts. This is a great practice for anyone though so you can see your savings from the trips you make). Then I add up my OOP and subtract the two which gives me my savings. If you divide your savings by your original amount you get the percentage saved. Now adding these numbers up may give you a big shock because you don't feel like you are spending that much but you actually are. I am as extreme with my couponing as I care to be and I still pay a hefty amount OOP on groceries and this is with me spending less than $1 on some trips. But the average family spends about $200 a week on groceries or $800 a month and I am way way way less than that.. so here is my break down for the month of November...

My total before coupons and sales was $1270.55
My OOP was $569.08
A total savings of $$701.47 or 55%
*Just wanted to clearify these totals are not just for my food purchases but all household needs including diapers, food, personal care, toilet paper, paper towels etc... **
So if I spent that amount OOP imagine how much you are spending.. Time to start savings people


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