A stockpile is simply your home stock of things that your family uses regularly that you bought at rock bottom prices to avoid having to ever pay full price. There is no need to have rooms full of merchandise or move out your kids to make room for groceries. A good stockpile has about 6 weeks worth of goods, the point is "buy enough to last you till the item goes on sale again."
Not everything can be stockpiled. Things such as fresh produce, bread, and perishables are buy enough to not go bad items. But can goods, barbecue sauce, cereals, meats etc can be stockpiled. Here are photos of my personal stockpile
This is my pantry stockpile.. I have extra bbq sauce, pasta sauce, snacks, condiments and salad dressing... all of these items were under $1.00 if not free.
In my personal hygiene stockpile I have over 7 boxes of tampons (all for a dollar or less), pantyliners, 3+ men and women's deodorants and body wash..Finger nail remover toothpaste and toothbrushes. The only thing I paid for was the feminine products and they were all under a dollar each.
In this area I have cereal (cereal has a great shelf life and something every family needs.. stock up), cleaning supplies, mouthwash, floss, and storage bags. I have 5+ dish washing liquids and it is something I never have to pay for... Everything if not free was under a dollar in this area.
Toilet Paper. As the only female in my household I do not need too much in my stockpile but I have plenty anyway. Toilet paper is something that you do have to pay for but with the right sales and coupons you can drive the price down.
Last area of my stockpile are juices and laundry detergent. With a infant, a 7 year old and a hard working fiance' I do a lot of laundry. I paid $2.00 for the larger bottles and $1.00 for the smaller bottles of detergent.This photo is also after a month of not purchasing any bottles. My family goes through a lot of juice so this item of my stockpile needs replenishment weekly but there are always great sales on juice so don't worry too much if you run out.
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